Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I am frying fish and I can I combine sunflower oil with vegetable oil?

I don't have enough sunflower oil and I just need about 3 cps more can I combine it with vegetable oil?I am frying fish and I can I combine sunflower oil with vegetable oil?
Yes, you can since both have high smoking points for frying.

You can also use shortening or lard if you like the extra flavor.

However, avoid butter.I am frying fish and I can I combine sunflower oil with vegetable oil?
should be fine
Yes, but it's obvious you are not in the process right now, so why not just go the cheap and tasty route and use plain ';crisco';, great for fish.

For deep frying I also like to use peanut oil, expensive, but also good.
Sunflower and vegetable are both vegetable oils. Just don't waste your olive oil on frying fish.

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