Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What are the benefits of taking SUNFLOWER OIL SUPPLEMENTS, while dieting and exercising?

i was recommend this, i seem to hit a wall with my weight loss and can't lose the last ten poundsWhat are the benefits of taking SUNFLOWER OIL SUPPLEMENTS, while dieting and exercising?
It will not help you loose weight, but it is very low in colesterolWhat are the benefits of taking SUNFLOWER OIL SUPPLEMENTS, while dieting and exercising?
sunflower oil supllements will not help much. however, snacking on actual sunflower seeds (with the shell on) might! snack on those when you feel the urge to snack.

those last 5 pounds are the say the last 10 pounds. have you increased your heart rate? sometimes they say a little extra routine for cardios are in order.

good luck!
Sunflower oil is full of mono and poly saturated fats, which are really good for you.

You can find it in almonds and foods also. As far as the benifits, I am not sure.

You should ask a question about the benifits of mono and poly saturated fats.

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